FESTIVAL/COMPETITIVE STUDENTS: We have set up registration online for you to register for the classes you would like with no leveling. Once all dancers are registered in their desired disciplines, we will group students according to age, skill level and experience. From there, we will send out an email detailing which level/classes your child is in closer to the beginning of the season. The more people that register now, the earlier this can be finalized. Doing our scheduling this way ensures as little changes to the final schedule as possible and the best fitted classes for our dancers.
**If you wish to try out a specific style, but do not yet know if you are going to register, register for it anyhow. It is easier for us to remove you from the class than it is to add you at a later date or build more classes due to late registrants. If we have already processed registration for the month of September and you wish to withdraw from the class, we can easily refund your card or credit your tuition to a different class.
RECREATIONAL STUDENTS: For pre-reg, please choose the classes you are interested in. To see what our next season’s schedule will look like, please refer to our 2023/2024 schedule as it will be what we base our 2024/2025 scheduling off of. Finalized schedules will be released closer to our September start date.
2024/2025 Fall Schedules